ICW and Beaufort

Beaufort, NC, Sunday, October 29, 2017 We have been hanging on a mooring ball in Taylor Creek, Beaufort, NC for the past week and are getting ready to head to Florida. Boat life is starting to feel normal and owning a car and having access to a real shower are in the distant past. Beaufort is a quaint historic town with a long history of whaling and boating. It welcomes transients such as ourselves, offering dingy docks, hot showers for $2 and a laundromat. Since leaving Norfolk we spent 4 days on the Intercostal Waterway traveling south, part of a procession of “snowbirds”, boaters migrating to warmer latitudes. There were numerous bridges openings and even a lock . After passing the Dismal Swamp, the Pungo Ferry, and Coinjock we were seemingly by ourselves and in North Carolina. Beautiful, protected nature anchorages marked our way and the weather blessed us with summer like conditions. After spending a calm night in the Alligator River we ent...