Passage making, November 2017 Making a passage is entering in to Water World where everything moves and dreamtime flows free. Water rushes, swooshes and slaps against the hull as the boat rises with each wave, crests, and falls into the next valley, until we are no longer sure where water ends and sky begins. The first day we are excited and nervous after months of preparation and anticipation. We weigh anchor at dawn and leave the flat water of Taylor Creek, North Carolina. A 2-knot currant pushes us through the narrow inlet between Carrot Island and Beaufort in to the sea. We are on full alert looking for the next mark, noticing any drift towards the shoals to the south, until we find ourselves in open water. After a few hours we are alone at sea, surrounded by an unbroken horizon. It is disorienting at first as our bodies and senses adjust to the constant motion, the crowded quarters and vulnerability of traveling in a small boat over open water. ...