
We spent the end of November visiting Colombia, an easy 48-hour sail from the central part of the San Blas Islands in Panama. Our first stop, the San Bernados, flaunted 30 low-lying islands clustered on a sand bank. We zigzagged our way in the late afternoon light through reefs and shallows, following a narrow ribbon of turquoise, deeper water, in to a mangrove-lined, quiet cove. A few hostels beckoned in the distance, colorful posadas on stilts, floating mirages, supportings eco-system of backpackers. The following day we explored our surrounding and tie our dingy to the dock at Isla Isolotta de la Cruz. A group of fishermen greeted us from plastic chairs in the shade of a flapping tarp. One looked up from repairing an old out-board while another kept cleaning a giant parrotfish. Louis leapt up from a chair and declared himself our local guide. We submitted and followed him through a doorway to a world bursting with sound and color. Colombian pop mus...